
Fontes theologiae et philosophiae christianae

John of Damascus, The Fount of Knowledge, vol. 1, Philosophical chapters. On Heresies, Sofia 2014

Translation: Atanas Atanasov (a bilingual Greek and Bulgarian edition with commentary and indexes)

Editors: Ivan Christov, Svetoslav Ribolov

John of Damascus, The Fount of Knowledge, vol. 2, An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith, part 1, Sofia 2019

Translation: Atanas Atanasov (a bilingual Greek and Bulgarian edition with commentary and indexes)

Editors: Ivan Christov, Svetoslav Ribolov




John of Damascus, The Fount of Knowledge, vol. 3, An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith, part 2, Sofia 2021 (forthcoming)

Translation: Atanas Atanasov (a bilingual Greek and Bulgarian edition with commentary and indexes)

Editors: Ivan Christov, Svetoslav Ribolov




St. Athanasius of Alexandria, The Second Oration against the Arians (in Old Bulgarian Translation), Editio Princeps

Editor: Pirinka Penkova

 Studia patristica et byzantina Sardicensia

Fons christianitatis assyriacae ac chaldeicae
Soteriologia et christologia Theodori episcopi Mopsuesteni (352−428)
by Svetoslav Ribolov

A toleranttia ad agnoscendum
Miscellanea dedicata MDCC anniversario edicti Mediolanensis (CCCXIII)
ed. Alexander Omarchevski
Byzantine Theology in the 14th century, Sofia 2016
The Discourse on Divine Energies
by Ivan Christov





The Teaching About Image and Symbol in the Corpus Areopagiticum, Sofia 2021 (forthcoming)
by Liuba Stefanova